Accurate profit Analytics
for Amazon Seller

Plus powerful tools to grow your business

  • Order management
  • Review requests Management
  • PPC Optimization
  • Listing changes alerts
  • Refunds for lost inventory
  • Users & rights management
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About SellerEcom

At SellerEcom, we are passionate about empowering Amazon sellers to achieve new heights. We provide the tools and insights that help to make informed decisions and elevate your business. Our platform seamlessly integrates with your existing Amazon account. And give you instant access to a wealth of accurate profit analytics. This goes beyond just basic sales figures. We delve deeper, providing insights into your margins, fulfillment costs, and advertising performance. That helps an Amazon seller to grow their revenue with the right adjustment.


Why JwellACC

An accurate profit dashboard:

SellerEcom's comprehensive profit dashboard goes beyond basic sales figures, providing you with a granular view of your profitability. It's like having a window into the soul of your Amazon business, revealing key metrics that directly impact your bottom line.

Account for every Amazon fee:

Our platform ensures that you have full visibility into all Amazon fees associated with your sales. That helps you manage your finances effectively. Even SellerEcom's detailed breakdown helps you manage your finances efficiently.

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Why JwellACC

Optimize your listings’ impressions and conversion rates:

Unleash the power of our comprehensive suite of listing optimization tools. From in-depth keyword research to competitor analysis. We empower you to craft high-converting product listings that rank higher in search results.

Understand the true cost and reasons for your returns

Dive deep into return analytics to uncover the hidden insights behind product returns. Go beyond just the number of returns and understand the why. Analyze trends in return reasons by product, category, or brand. Identify any recurring issues like poor sizing, misleading descriptions, or damaged products during shipping.

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Want to See in Action

Are you an Amazon Seller? Then Experience the Power of SellerEcom Today.

Select your plan
Basic Plan
$5 /month or $50/year (Most Popular)
Get started
Premium Plan
$10 /month or $100/year
Get started
Orders per month



Additional seller accounts



Real-time profit dashboard
Listing change alerts
Manage users rights by account
Automated reports

Discover What Our Customers Have to Say

Reviews from sellers who have experienced the power of SellerEcom

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