Terms and Service

Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website



1. The Website www.profitzon.co.il, helps sellers on e-commerce platforms (including Amazon) sell via drop shipping or arbitrage.

2. The Website includes: recommendations for products that can be sold on Amazon (or other eCommerce platforms), as well as recommendations on various vendors and sources where products can be purchased; Automatic inventory pricing using a system for identifying price fluctuations and automatically uploading products to your listing (hereinafter: the "Automatic Pricing System"); An order management system that provides tracking and alerts about orders (hereinafter: the "Management System"). In addition to the Website, support services are provided via text messages, WhatsApp and phone calls (the service provided on the Website and support through messages and WhatsApp, are hereinafter referred to as the "Website ").

3. The Website will offer a link to the “Virtual Assistant” service that provides ongoing management to your store, a service which is provided through and under warranty of a third party. Subject to your request to use the Service, the Website may link between you and the provider by forwarding your contact information to the outside vendor, such as email and telephone number. The Virtual Assistant service is an independent third-party service and is therefore not covered by the Website warranty.

4. The terms and conditions apply to males and females a like.

5. Using the Website and / or viewing the content contained therein constitutes your agreement to accept and abide by the Terms of Use. Therefore, if you do not agree to any of the stated terms, you are requested not to make any use of the Website.

6. The Website is owned by Profitzon ltd (hereinafter “Website Administrator ") and the official mailing address of the business is Weizmann 7 Kiryat Motzkin

7. These Terms and Conditions apply to all of your activities vis-à-vis Profitzon, its managers, its representatives and employees, both through and outside the Website, past and future.

8. The Website Administrator reserves the right to change the policy from time to time at his sole discretion, without notice and / or warning. The updated policy will be published on the Website and will apply to all use of the Website from the time of its publication.

9. Whenever you use the Website, you commit to act in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

10. These bylaws are subject to the provisions of law, and in the event of a conflict between these bylaws and the provisions of law, the provisions of law shall take precedence.

11. You declare that you are 18 years or older. A user who is younger than this age may not purchase a subscription on the Website, except through someone who is 18-years-old or older, with a form of payment owned by the adult.


Joining the Website

12. To join the Website, you will be required to fill in your personal information, including your full name, email address, your eCommerce store and other information. You will also need to select a username and password. When you purchase a subscription, your eCommerce store will be connected to the Website. For your opt-in to be completed with maximum speed and without any hassle, the details must be fully and accurately provided. Personal information provided by you, in as much as it is provided, is subject to the Website Administrator ’s privacy policy. The sharing of login information with non-account third parties is strictly prohibited, the Website Administrator reserves the right to charge a fine of NIS 30,000 without proof of damage from a user who has shared his website login information with a third party.

13. Upon signing into the Website, you commit to pay the remunerations detailed below, by bank transfer or using Payoneer. If these remunerations are not paid, the Website Administrator reserves the right to cancel your subscription to the Website and / or the right to take legal action against you in order to collect the remunerations.

14. Joining the Website constitutes consent to the use of the Automatic Pricing System. This consent constitutes a condition for use of the Website.

15. If the service provided by the Website is discontinued and / or the content is not accessible to you, and for various reasons this was not expressed on the Website, the Website Administrator will notify you of the unavailability of the service and may offer you an alternative service.

16. The Website Administrator reserves the right not to accept new subscribers and / or not give any person the right to subscribe to the Website, without any reasoning.



17. For joining the Website and receiving the services from the Website Administrator , viewing the content of the Website, including receiving recommendations of suppliers and / or products, the Website Administrator will charge a fee for standard type products of 6% + VAT from the actual sales cycle in your online store / stores resulting from of the products recommended by the Website Administrator and for diamond-type products a fee of 25% + VAT from the actual sales cycle in your online store / stores resulting from the products recommended by the Website Administrator (hereinafter: "Remuneration").

18. The use of the Virtual Assistant involves paying a third party the rate of 2% of the lead sales volume received from the Website. This service is the responsibility of an external supplier and not under the control or responsibility of the Website. Payment will be made directly to the outside vendor every 10 days and in accordance with the sales report generated on your trading platform, such as Amazon.

19. To avoid any doubt, these remunerations apply to both products / vendors recommended on the Website and to products / vendors recommended by the Website Administrator, through communications via WhatsApp, text messages, phone calls, email, or any other media. the remunerations also apply to "Plan B" or Similar products recommended by the Website Administrator.

20. The remunerations will be paid every 10 days, according to the sales report produced from your Amazon store (or other eCommerce platform).

21. Although the Website Administrator will be given access to your sales store and data related to your sales for the purpose of tracking the remunerations, you understand and acknowledge that the Website Administrator does not check / track / monitor your store management, nor is he responsible for any regulation breaches committed by you. In addition, the Website Administrator reserves the right to inspect or track any products not recommended by him for the purpose of enforcing the Terms of Use and preventing their infringement. The Website Administrator also reserves the right to check and / or track Amazon payment dates and the health status of your Amazon account. If the Website user decides to disconnect the Website Administrator's access to the user's sales store, the Website Administrator may unsubscribe the user from the Website and require re-access to collect on products recommended by him during the period when the Website Administrator's access was blocked from the user's sales store.

22. If there are product returns, you will not be charged for the returned products, unless the return is due to your mistake.


The contents and services offered on the Website

23. From time to time, the Website Administrator will post and update on the Website with recommendations on products that can be sold on Amazon (or another platform) at a profit, and recommend vendors purchase these products. This list of suppliers and products is based on the Website Administrator's experience only, and on computer software developed by him.

24. It is here clarified that the Website Administrator does not perform intellectual property tests, and / or tests relating to product integrity, vendor approvals and the like. You acknowledge and understand that your use of these recommendations is your sole responsibility, and you must verify that these products and / or suppliers meet the legal requirements, your needs, and your business operations.

25. You also understand and acknowledge that:

  1. The Website Administrator cannot commit to the supplier having the products offered on the Website in stock.

  2. The Website Administrator is not responsible for product prices and delivery times.

  3. The price displayed on the Website as a recommended sales price is for recommendation purposes only, and the Website Administrator is not responsible for any profit or loss arising from the use of this price.

  4. The Website Administrator is not responsible for deleting or suspending listings / accounts by Amazon or for profit or loss of such as a result of a steep price change, or for any error in the listing information (including pricing errors, shipping template, shipping times, stock quantity, maximum and minimum prices), freezing the seller’s funds by the trading platform or using the systems and services on the Website. You acknowledge and understand that your use of the Website Systems, including the Automated Pricing System and the Management System is your sole responsibility and you must verify that such use meets the requirements and rules of the online trading platforms, and matches your needs and business operations.

  5. You acknowledge and understand that your use of the Virtual Assistant service is your responsibility and you must verify that such use is in compliance with the requirements and rules of the online trading platform and is also compatible with your needs and business operations.

  6. The Management System constitutes an eCommerce tool and does not constitute an expression of any position on the part of the Website Administrator about Drop Shipping or arbitrage.

  7. The Website Administrator will not be held liable for leads intended for FBA trading and is not responsible for any financial loss or merchandise delays on a trading platform.

  8. The Website Administrator is not responsible for the product making a profit, or that the product ordered matches the one actually supplied, or for claims relating to the supply of the goods by suppliers. The responsibility for purchasing the goods and the sale is solely your responsibility. You must perform all necessary preliminary testing to ensure that your and business operation needs are met.

  9. The Website Administrator will make every effort to ensure that the product offered is compatible with an existing Amazon listing. However, since the Website Administrator is not the supplier of the products, he cannot commit that the product provided is completely identical to the product described in the Amazon listing. You must perform all necessary preliminary testing to ensure that the product is 100% compatible with the listing, as required on the Amazon platform (and any other platforms).

26. In addition to the list of recommendations included on the Website, the Website Administrator will provide technical support to the Website's customers and will answer their questions when necessary.

27. Anything said by customer service, either by the Website Administrator and / or someone on his behalf should be considered a recommendation only, and the Website Administrator is not liable for any damages caused by the recommendation / advice of customer service.

28. The Website Administrator cannot guarantee that the information presented on the Website will generate any profits. The Website Administrator will not be liable for any harm and / or damage that may result from your use of the content uploaded to the Website.


Stopping trading platform access

29. By signing up on the Website, you acknowledge and declare that you are well versed in the "Drop-Shipping" sales method and are familiar with the rules of the trading platforms, including Amazon.

30. You understand and acknowledge that any trading platform, including Amazon, may restrict your access to the platform and / or suspend / close / restrict listings and / or your sales / purchasing account. Also, the trading platform may withhold funds belonging to you, all in accordance with the rules of that platform. You understand and agree that the Website Administrator has no control over the trading platform and is not responsible for your use of these platforms and / or blocking your access. The Website Administrator will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or special damages caused to you or any third party as a result of such access / funds restrictions.


Unsubscribing from the Website and discontinuing the service

31. The cancellation of the subscription on the Website will be subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Regulations (Cancellation of Transaction), 5771 – 2010.

32. Without detracting from the generality of the above, it should be noted that the Website Administrator will allow the termination of service at any time, subject to payment of the remunerations until the point the service is canceled.

33. The Website Administrator may unsubscribe from the Website:

  1. In the event of an error in a proposal on the Website, whether in the price of the service / product or in the description of the service / product;

  2. In the case of force majeure, war, hostility or terrorism which prevents the continued performance of the services or updating the Website properly.

  3. If it becomes clear that the transaction and / or sale was accompanied by illegal activity by users and / or any of them and / or any third party.

  4. If it becomes clear to the Website Administrator and / or its suppliers that the Website user may resell the service / content offered on the Website to third parties and / or trade in it.

  5. If the user of the Website does not pay the remunerations for the recommended products

  6. If the user disconnects their store's MWS connection to the Website

  7. The site owner reserves the right to reduce the payment of his trade fees and / or payment of trade fees to the Virtual Assistant service from the balance at the Virtual Assistant.
  8. In addition the site owner reserves the right to charge the Users credit card which was provided to the virtual assistant for any unpaid fees/debt for the site owner or for the virtual assistant.


Ways to cancel the service

34. The user's subscription will be canceled in one of the following ways:

  1. Email support@profitzon.co.il,

  2. By registered mail - to address [Weizman 7 Kiryat Motzkin]

  3. In the cancellation request you must specify your name, telephone number and email address

35. You understand and agree that when the Website Administrator and / or you wish to cancel the subscription to the Website, the subscription will not be canceled until these conditions are met by the user:

  1. Website Administrator will completely delete all products received by the user, both standard and diamond types

  2. The user must create and / or enable a proper MWS connection between the Amazon accounts where you uploaded the products you have received from the Website Administrator to the Website - in order for the Website Administrator to receive the remaining remunerations for the service.

  3. The user must pay the balance to the Website Administrator no later than five days after the transaction invoice is sent by the Website Administrator.

  4. The Website user undertakes not to upload the products recommended by the Website Administrator to his / her stores and / or other stores and / or share them with any third party.


36. A subscription cancellation notice will be provided to you by telephone and / or in writing to the e-mail address you provided when registering as a seller.

37. When you unsubscribe, you will be blocked from logging in to and viewing the Website.



38. The Website Administrator and / or anyone on his behalf will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or special damages caused to you or any third party as a result of use of the Website content and / or the use of products and / or vendors recommended on the Website, whatever the reason of the claim - including bodily injury and / or property and / or loss of income and / or loss of profit caused for any reason.

39. A mistake in the product description will not be the responsibility of the Website Administrator.

40. The product images on the Website are for illustration purposes only and there may be differences between the images displayed on the Website, in whole or in part, and the actual products sold.

41. The Website Administrator is not responsible for the products actually meeting your needs and / or for the purpose for which they were purchased by the end consumer, and / or that the product will provide the desired and / or needed results to you, the buyer or any third party. The Website Administrator has no responsibility for the products, their function, the results of use, or any unwanted effect they may cause, including any damage and / or loss and / or hurt resulting from the use of the products presented on the Website, and the purchaser shall have no claim or demand against the Website Administrator in connection with the said above.

42. The buyer is welcome to contact us for any matter, at email: support@profitzon.co.il and we will make every effort to respond as soon as possible.


Intellectual Property

43. All intellectual property rights, including the copyrights, methods and trade secrets, relating to the Website, its operation, content, methods of operation, are the property of the Website Administrator and / or those who license the Website Administrator only. These rights apply, inter alia, to the data on the Website, including the product list, suppliers list, product description and any other details related to its appearance, functionality and operation.

44. No information may be copied, reproduced, distributed, sold, marketed or translated from the Website, including trademarks, images and texts, including graphic elements, articles, blogs, etc., without prior written permission from the Website Administrator.

45. No commercial use of the data published on the Website, the lists of products and suppliers contained therein, or any other information published therein, without prior written consent of from the Website Administrator.

46. ​​Any information published or other service on the Website may not be used without prior written consent from the Website Administrator and is subject to the terms of such consent (if given).

47. The name Profitzon, the logo, and the Website domain name profitzon.co.il, the trademarks (whether registered or not) are all the property of the Website Administrator alone. They may not be used without prior written consent.



48. The Website Administrator undertakes to do his best by means available to him to maintain the confidentiality of the user's information and to prevent their falling into the hands of foreign parties. The Website Administrator uses data storage / security services that have very stringent standards, which are acceptable for websites in Israel. However, since this is an operation in an online environment, the Website Administrator cannot guarantee complete immunity from invasion of his computers system or exposing stored information. The Website Administrator shall not be liable for the infiltration or misuse of the information by a third party, and the user will have no claim and / or stake and / or demand against the Website Administrator in this case. Please note that the Website Administrator does not store your payment information.

49. Without derogating from the generality of the above, it is made clear here that the Website Administrator is required to comply with all applicable laws.


50. In any communication between you and the Website Administrator through the Website, only Israeli law will apply.

51. The only court empowered to hear any matter relating to this Website is the Haifa Court system only.

52. The Terms of Use are subject to change at any time by the Website Administrator at his sole discretion.

53. The Website Administrator reserves the right to freeze your subscription to the Website without prior notice. The subscription freeze does not constitute cancelation of the subscription or termination of service.